Before I get to the subject of this weeks thread, apologies for no post last week. I have a bad back you see, last week it was unbearable and I couldn't be bothered to do anything (still had to work of course, the joys of self-employment). I wont bore you with back pain details, anyone who suffers knows what I am talking about. I am trying the latest course of action (I have tried many) and am following a Pilates method, which involves holding stomach muscles in all the time to support the back, and you know what, it seems to be helping.
Any way for the last month or so Georgia's school has been spending a lot of time on a thing called "Wearable Arts". This is where each class has a theme and makes costumes to wear which are "artistic" in nature, hence the name. I do wonder whether these projects take up too much school time, shouldn't the little dears be working out the area of triangles and such? But the reality is I feel these projects are very worthwhile. The school held a performance of their creations last Wednesday night, and I have to say it was very good. From 5 year olds up to 11, all on a proper stage with light shows and music, in front of 700 people and no mistakes. What these projects achieve is the creation of teamwork in the design and making of the costumes and confidence in performing on a stage in front of so many people, skills which will hold them in great stead for their life ahead, and whats more they actually enjoy going to school. I just wish my school days had been so much fun with opportunities to shine. Georgia's class did a performance based around the mobile phone, it was excellent and the performance started with a film which was directed, filmed and edited by Georgia (she has a talent for that kind of thing). What you do find in NZ is that the kids are confident and articulate but their knowledge of the big wide world is sorely lacking. Georgia was doing a project on Julius Caesar and none of the other kids had heard of him and only one had any idea who the Romans were. I will go now, it is school holiday time and we are busy, and I still can't be bothered and my back still aches and .......