You know when I say this phrase in my head I wonder if it actually means what I think it means, say it a few times to yourself and you will wonder the same. But in this instance I want to talk about those things around me, the things I see everyday but that have now become familiar and everyday, yet the first time I came here they filled me with awe. I bring this up now because last week I had a walk up the Mount. It must be a year or more since I have been up, and that is the crazy thing, our cafe is in spitting distance of the Mount, I look at it everyday and yet I so rarely walk up it. The thing is, when you walk up the Mount you are in another world, a world of strange contrasts, you could be in the Lake District or the Greek Islands or the Bush, the scenery changes with each step. When you reach the top you are out of breath but exhilarated, the views........The Maori revere the Mount as a place of Earth power, and you can feel it, open your mind and a clarity of thought flows through you.
It is also a place of extreme sports, from rock climbing, paragliding and sheep worrying. There are plenty of opportunities to fall on your backside and if you are feeling suicidal you couldn't pick a nicer cliff to throw yourself off.
I really think I should do more to re-explore the awe inspiring visual experiences that are on offer here, I will just have to make the time, and get out of the rut that I have slipped into. To this end I went to Hobbiton (Matamata) on Tuesday, not much there but the drive over the Kaimai range made the trip worthwhile. We then popped into Cambridge and got back just in time to pick Georgia up from school. A good day, away from the routine, that left me refreshed with a few ideas buzzing in my head. I will have to do a few more little trips before the summer season starts as I don't see the sun again for 6 weeks.
I will now spend some time uploading some photos, I have just seen a new icon on the toolbar that says I can add a video, (or has it always been there?) so I will give that a bash as well. (gave it a bash but got sick of waiting for it to upload)
p.s. just gone to the preview page an it says video has uploaded 29m 0f 59m so I will go have a cup of coffee and come back later and see what happens before I hit the cancel button.
1 comment:
Isn't it just stunning? When we first arrived we were honestly in complete awe of everything, always making sure we take the scenic or coast road, even if it was to go to the shops!
After a year, we are still in awe but find we do start to take things for granted and we also start to notice things we were blinkered to.
Our parents being over earlier in the year initated our love and appreciation for things a 1000 time over again.
And as I sit and type this I can see speed boats on the ocean...just amazing eh?
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