This Saturday was Downtown The Mounts Christmas festival. Now I like a good festival. Unfortunately this one wasn't really a festival, Christmas or otherwise. But there were some great Brazilian dancers doing a capoeira demonstration. This is a form of dance/fighting. Its very energetic and athletic and performed to a hypnotic drumbeat. They were very good. We watched them for quite a while but for some reason Georgia and I had decided to wear our roller boots into town and although Georgia is an expert, I am somewhat of a novice. So I spent most of the time trying not to crash into cafe chairs and pavement signs or skate over peoples toes. I think I managed to maintain an air of confidence whilst standing, holding on to a lamppost and Michael very kindly dragged me along through the crowds.
There were also other live bands there playing blues and hip hop also a candy floss stand and the shops stayed open late. It would have been nice to see some Kapa Haka dancers and singers but they weren't on the agenda. At 9 pm there was a huge fire work display out on a barge on Pilot Bay. Right on queue it started raining then but there was still a decent crowd turn out to see it.
It was a pity that the local town planner hadn't done her research very well as the Mount festival clashed with at least 2 others in the local area and there just isn't the population here to sustain more than one event at a time. I spoke to a couple of the shop owners in the town and they were a bit annoyed about the timing of the event.
Georgia and I put the decorations up in the house this weekend. Why is it that no matter how carefully you put the fairy lights away they are always in a huge tangled knot when you get them out again? Anyway, the tree looks very pretty. Some people here go mad with decorating the outside of their houses with lights and they can become part of the local 'light trail'. They put their addresses into the paper so people can drive round and have a look at their lights. The best one wins a prize (I hope its some money to pay for the electric bill). A local bus company runs trips round the houses and charges $15 per person for the privilege!! I wonder if the house owners get a cut of that! I love to see a town decorated with Christmas lights but it doesn't seem to happen much here - I guess the rate payers would be up in arms!
Well, I'm off to the library now to get a book on 'beginners roller blading for the over 40's'
1 comment:
Looks like a good event. Pity there were loads of stuff on at the same time though! We also have the light trail here too. It reminds me too much of a bad council estate so we are staying clear!!
We unite in tangled fairy lights, its like when you wrap up the extension lead or the garden hose, sits in the garage not used but still comes out tangled!
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