On Tuesday we all went to the beach to help Norman run a field test on the new pulse induction metal detector. Michael was designated camera man as he was going to put together a video of the test to put on the website http://www.treasuredetectives.net/ I am new to metal detecting and this piece of equipment looks like nothing I had seen before. Apparently it is designed to detect large pieces of metal buried deep underground like cannons and treasure chests full of gold and other such exciting hoards but it ignores small items such as tin cans, ring pulls and other rubbish that you usually collect while out hunting. Its something to do with the size of the pulse induction sound waves it emits. Whatever! For lots more information and technical stuff http://www.deeptech-bg.com/
Norman brought along a cast iron umbrella base as we were certain we wouldn't find any cannons on Papamoa Beach, and a small piece of scrap metal. As well as videoing the test Michael, with the help of Georgia, also dug a 1 metre deep hole in the sand to bury the metal in. All went well. The detector found the base and ignored the small piece of scrap metal. I was the helper following instructions and we drew quite a crowd from the locals wondering what we were up to.
The detectors are made in Bulgaria and Norman is the first person in New Zealand and Australia to use and distribute them.
I know the daughter of the guy who makes them, Sylvia, visits this blog so hi Sylvia!
Anyway, after the test we were happily congratulating ourselves on a job well done when we remembered we had to retrieve the umbrella base. I can assure you this was no easy task. We almost lost Georgia and Norman down the hole and we did seriously consider leaving it down there but Norman couldn't think of a decent enough excuse to tell his wife Linda as to why they couldn't put the umbrella up in the garden. Then we suddenly realised that the beach was swarming with sand flies!! There were millions of them and they were biting! The little devils are only the size of a grain of sand but that didn't stop them making a tasty lunch out of our legs. We must have had signs on our heads 'fresh meat'. Michael fared the worst and he has 150 bites on his legs. Norman insisted he never got bitten by bugs but he did that day! After a lot of digging, sweating and heaving we managed to get the base out of the hole and made a hasty retreat off the beach to the pub as I was sure I had read somewhere that an ice cool beer was the best cure for sand fly bites. Well, it was worth a try, anyway.
Sounds like a real adventure, seeking after...... flies?! Do you have them everywhere? Are there any on the Southland and what other kind of "dangerous" beasts do you have there? In case you have any, please make a list of them all with the necessary antidota! Would be very important for my survival there!!!
Thanks in advance,
PS: Please don't translate it ;D!!!
Fortunately, New Zealand does not have too many evil mini beasts on the land. No dangerous snakes or lethal spiders. Flies can be a pain in summer but not as bad as Australia. There is one spider with a white spot on its back which can give a nasty bite but I have only ever seen one once. There are a few blue box jelly fish on the beach at the moment and apparently they can give you a sting but then I would be more affraid of sharks in the sea as I dont think there is an antidote to shark bite ;)
Hiya! Looks like super fun! It would be so exciting to find something buried way down from years gone by.
Just a side note, I noticed the amount of comments have gone up now from just me! I think its a man thing to be honest. If my Michael posts on our blog he gets very few if any comments, but when I post we get heaps!
I am of course not saying that your posting is better or worse than your Michael's....oh heck, I hope you know what I mean!!
Best wishes to you and your family for this holiday season.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, and a wonderful and prosperous 2008.
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