I've mentioned before that I'm not a big fan of the ocean. Too many man eating creatures and evil things lurking. Also these rip tides which are so dangerous. I had never heard of a rip before coming to New Zealand but to Kiwis its all part of their upbringing to know about them. They are caused when the tide is changing and the drag out to sea is stronger than the flow to the beach so if you get caught in the drag you are literally sucked out to sea. These rips are formed just yards off the beach and surfers use them all the time to take them out to the next wave. But for the inexperienced they can suck you under and roll you over and over under the waves. There are a few signs to spot a rip tide like smooth water, waves that don't break on the sand straight but apart form that it is down to experience. The water can swirl around so strongly that it can dig deep holes in the sand which are nicely disguised by shallow water, the perfect trap for you to fall into. So if these things are so common why is there not more signs along the beach warning people and giving advice? Over the summer months the life guards mark out safe areas to swim but obviously they can't patrol the hundreds of miles of New Zealand beaches.
Anyway, we had a tragic event here last week when a British tourist, a 19 year old boy, went for a play in the sea with 5 of his mates. Apparently the area they chose to swim in is renowned for dangerous rips (local knowledge - no warning signs) They quickly got into trouble and were all helped back to shore by some surfers and other passerbys apart from this one boy. The rescuers just couldn't get to him and he was sucked under. His friends had the trauma of waiting on the beach for him but the search had to be abandoned until the next day. His body washed up on the shore 2 days later. This happened on a part of the beach just 10 minutes from our house. They were only having a bit of fun just 20 yards out. What a waste of life.
Take a look at these pictures and see how close the rips can be to the beach, and be warned the sea is a mighty force not to be messed with - I for one will enjoy paddling up to my ankles but no further!
You are so right and something should be done about it. There have been similar instances here in Welly and it is really sad. Such a waste of life, all in the name of 'fun'.
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