Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas cheer
I can't get into the traditional New Zealand Christmas BBQ lark. Neither can I see the point in spending Christmas day on the beach. The weather was sunny in the morning and rained in the afternoon but just in our street we saw the neighbours packing everything up and going to the beach just to return again 1/2 an hour later. Sometimes I think people feel as if they should spend Christmas on the beach because thats what your meant to do but in reality they would probably prefer just to sit around the house or in the garden.
Anyway, I hope everyone out there who celebrates this festive season also had a good day.
New Year is fast approaching and The Mount is gearing itself up to the fun New Years Eve celebrations. The whole area is a liquor free zone, there is a temporary prison set up called Alcatraz and extra police officers have been drafted in. You will be arrested if caught carrying any alcohol (even an unopenned bottle in your bag). There are a couple of live bands playing and some fair ground rides for the kiddies. Every year hundreds of people descend on the Mount to see the new Year in but the authoritarian control gets heavier every year. We were quite surprised by this and were told it was because of the 2003 riots. Riots? In New Zealand? On further enquiry we found out that in 2003 the police were arresting people who were having a wine or beer with their families while using the public BBQ's which caused a lot of bad feeling and some peole went on the 'rampage' round the mount upseting the neighbours. So as a result
strict bans were introduced and enforced. Its the usual story of over zealous authoroties enforcing laws to the letter which causes more trouble than turning a blind eye would. I agree that any kind of huge gathering should be monitored and action taken at the sign of trouble but surely it would be better to difuse a situation instead of charging in and arresting every one.
The council seems to have got its act together though, and has put on a bus service that runs through the night getting people to and from the Mount for $10 return.
As for us, its the busiest, hassliest night of the year but hopefully we should be able to shut the doors at 10ish and get home for a glass of champers in our own back yard.
Monday, December 17, 2007
dancing and goodbyes
It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and the assembly was held outside in the ampitheatre. We were entertained by some lovely singing by the kapa haka group. Next, Emma, the pianist with a lively rendition of the Can Can, Kayla the flute player and Andrew on the clarinet.

After the entertainment, the Headmaster, Mr Shinnen awarded each student with a certificate. Mr Shinnen is a really nice, laid back guy and he had something special to say about each child, reflecting on their personality and wishing them luck in their futures. He is a casual dresser and relates well with the students and the parents. It was lovely that he seemed to know each one of the kids personally and he knew who all the parents were too. He also gave out his own extra award to certain pupils who had shown extra kindness and caring during their time at school. I think it was brilliant that he didn't base these awards on academic achievement. Each child at that school assembly was made to feel like a special individual person whether they are bright, quiet, sporty, studious or whatever. He talked of one girl who had organised a 'Hugs' day and how he had been honoured to be number 29 on her list. I could never in a million years imagine hugging my headmaster or any of my teachers when I was at school!
We have found the New Zealand education system so far to focus on building happy, confident individuals. They are not brow beaten to achieve certain accademic targets but encouraged to learn at their own pace. Teachers are not burdened with masses of paperwork so have more time to spend in the class room doing what they are paid to do - teach. Georgia loves school here and is looking forward to Intermediate next year.
Friday, December 14, 2007
treasure hunting again!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

This Saturday was Downtown The Mounts Christmas festival. Now I like a good festival. Unfortunately this one wasn't really a festival, Christmas or otherwise. But there were some great Brazilian dancers doing a capoeira demonstration. This is a form of dance/fighting. Its very energetic and athletic and performed to a hypnotic drumbeat. They were very good. We watched them for quite a while but for some reason Georgia and I had decided to wear our roller boots into town and although Georgia is an expert, I am somewhat of a novice. So I spent most of the time trying not to crash into cafe chairs and pavement signs or skate over peoples toes. I think I managed to maintain an air of confidence whilst standing, holding on to a lamppost and Michael very kindly dragged me along through the crowds.
There were also other live bands there playing blues and hip hop also a candy floss stand and the shops stayed open late. It would have been nice to see some Kapa Haka dancers and singers but they weren't on the agenda. At 9 pm there was a huge fire work display out on a barge on Pilot Bay. Right on queue it started raining then but there was still a decent crowd turn out to see it.
It was a pity that the local town planner hadn't done her research very well as the Mount festival clashed with at least 2 others in the local area and there just isn't the population here to sustain more than one event at a time. I spoke to a couple of the shop owners in the town and they were a bit annoyed about the timing of the event.
Georgia and I put the decorations up in the house this weekend. Why is it that no matter how carefully you put the fairy lights away they are always in a huge tangled knot when you get them out again? Anyway, the tree looks very pretty. Some people here go mad with decorating the outside of their houses with lights and they can become part of the local 'light trail'. They put their addresses into the paper so people can drive round and have a look at their lights. The best one wins a prize (I hope its some money to pay for the electric bill). A local bus company runs trips round the houses and charges $15 per person for the privilege!! I wonder if the house owners get a cut of that! I love to see a town decorated with Christmas lights but it doesn't seem to happen much here - I guess the rate payers would be up in arms!
Well, I'm off to the library now to get a book on 'beginners roller blading for the over 40's'
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
sunshine and sand

Now, talking of multi talented people, take a look at the most recent tour Micheal has just completed its lovely house, close to the beach.
Well, moving on. There is a strange phenomena in the shop at the moment. If you sit on the chair out the back or stand on a certain tile next to the fridge you get a strange wobbly sensation. Michael has, on occasions, been bounced out of the chair. Its a bit like on Jurassic Park when the jelly starts to wobble indicating the approach of a dinosaur. Vaguely wondering if it was an earth quake or that perhaps the Mount was thinking of reactivating itself, I decided it must be the building works that are underway out the back of the shop. There are 2 huge building projects in competition with each other. One is directly behind the shop car park and the other just over the road from that. You may not be familiar with Mount Maunganui, but it is basically a huge sand bank with an volcano ( The Mount) at one end and the ocean on both sides.So when foundations are dug out they are basically digging out a huge sand pit. There is no bed rock or clay. The builders are using a huge munching machine from Germany(see photos) which digs down into the sand then mixes it up with tons and tons of cement and water which in turn forms the retaining wall around the site. We have been assured that this method causes the least disturbance to the surrounding buildings but I must admit I have checked the shop insurance as I have a feeling the whole street is going to fall down into these 2 huge holes and be swallowed up by the sea. The holes are way below sea level. The buildings are going to be high rise apartments. The Mount is fast developing in to an even more popular holiday destination and it really is starting to come together but in the mean tine we have huge lorries, diggers and cranes driving round the streets and the sand and dust flying about is unbelievable! But at least the workmen come in for pizza! The buildings should be finished by 2009 then all the millionaires can enjoy their drinkies on their decks 2 inches from the next buildings deck while craning their necks to have a peep at the sea. Lovely!!
Well, to change subject a bit you will be pleased to know I managed to down load a new French tutorial onto my mp3 player. So now I have moved on from Monsieur Albert in the cafe to listening to Michel Thomas. If you are familiar with this guy you will know he has a unique method of teaching a foreign language which is very good and works for me. The only problem is I wish he would clear his throat! Either he is a heavy smoker or his false teeth don't fit properly. If you are not familiar with the guy then lets just say I feel the need to clear spit out my ears. Well, I'll leave you with that thought.....aurevoir, mes amis
Thursday, November 22, 2007

We had an impromtu climb up the Mount last week and as usual I was well prepared for these occasions with jandals on my feet. We climbed up some deserted old goat track which was reminiscent of a mountain path on some Greek Island. At this time of year different parts of the mount can be completely diverse from lush native bush to baked Mediteranean hillside to English forest.
We managed to get to the summit ok and enjoy the views and get down in time for a nice cold beer before openning the shop for the teatime rush!
We have several Brazillians that come in to our shop for pizza. They are a very happy, loud friendly lot and 2 regulars Michelle and Roberto like to pop in for a chat. They have been here for 2 years now and miss their country, family and frineds a great deal. When I asked them why they stayed here they say that although they love Brazil and it would always be their home they feel safe and free in New Zealand. A feeling of personal security and freedom are so important.
I read the local paper every day and although as the population slowly increases in New Zealand so does crime. But the fact that domestic violence and petty crime still make headlines here means something. Heres an example. On Saturday, a youth saw an oportunity and stole the cash box off the bus in town- front page news. It has now been decided that the bus stop in town is a rough dodgy place with chewing gum on the ground (heaven forbid) and mean looking hoodies hanging around intimidating people. So the paper sent a reporter out to talk to people waiting at the bus stop to see what they thought. The reporter asked 3 ladies in their 60's and one teenage boy and none of them felt intimidated, one lady thought they could tidy the place up a bit and one thought security cameras might be a good idea. These findings made headline news the next day! Two days of news out of a bus stop in town is pretty impressive.
Anyway, long may it stay that way.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
the first post
I started writing out Christmas cards yesterday even though it only seems 5 minutes ago I was writing out last years cards. Time definitely seems to pass quickly in New Zealand. Why is that? I think it might have something to do with the fact the seasons are the 'wrong' way round. How can summer be heating up in November - it must only be July. How can Christmas only be 40 days away when Georgia and her friend are playing in the pool out side? Then suddenly its January and a new year begins.
On the theme of Christmas, I love the fact that the Hype is very low key here. Yes I know the Warehouse and Kmart have the Christmas stuff on sale now but it really is nothing compared to the UK where Xmas starts in September and by the time the day does arrive your sick of it all!
Christmas and New Year are the busiest time of the year for us in the pizza shop so it all passes in a blur any way.
Now to change tack a little bit Georgia starts intermediate school in the new year. Intermediate school is a sort of half way house for two years between junior school and secondary school which I think is a brilliant idea. Well, we found out this week that she has been selected to be nominated for the GATE class. Great! Whats the GATE class? Apparently it stands for Gifted and Talented something or other and is an accelerator class for kids from different schools who show extra potential in certain areas. We were given a form to fill in which didn't explain a lot but asked questions about Georgia's personality, interests and strengths. I filled it in but wasn't 100% sure about a couple of issues or even what this GATE class involved. So we had a word with her teacher who explained that it was a class for gifted students and that all kids wanted to get into it because 'all the nice kids' were in it. Hmmm, I was a little uncomfortable with this statement. Does that mean that all the other kids are not 'nice kids'? Anyway, she told us to make up a portfolio of all Georgia's best work, all her certificates and a resume. When Georgia took it into school another teacher said 'oh no we don't need all that we just need a letter off Georgia stating in her own words why she wants to be in the GATE class.' Talk about misinformation! It all seems a lot of hassle to me and puts pressure on the kids at a time when starting a new school is traumatic enough. Georgia, as usual takes it all in her stride and has written her letter. I've told her not to worry about it or get stressed, not that she ever does worry or get stressed. Georgia learns more out of all the books she reads anyway and school is a bit of fun for her, which is how it should be.
Well, that's it for now, I need to pop out for some more Christmas cards!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Last Post
Friday, November 9, 2007
While the cats away.....

Monday, October 29, 2007
Art Festival

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Small town attitudes and racism
The second item of this weeks rant is racism. There really is a "we are better than them" attitude among elements of the white population and what really gets me is when they finish a conversation with "yeh but at least we don't eat people" WHAT!!!! no the "civilised" white people of the world have just tortured people in ways that only the sickest of minds could dream up, they have destroyed cultures the world over, and even today, Iraqis are paying the price of an empire expanding. I will say I have no problem whatsoever with the Maori population, I find them polite and respectful and friendly (there are of course exceptions, as there are in all peoples) and I feel honored that I have been allowed to settle in their land. The racist elements hate the idea that any recompense is paid in the land disputes (soon to end) and they keep saying that we are all New Zealanders now and should be treated the same. This is kind of like saying if Germany had invaded Britain in the war and renamed it New Germania and made German the official language and 150 years later were telling all the native Brits to stop whinging because we are all New Germanians now. There is a huge cultural difference here and I applaud this, the world would be a boring place if we were all the same that's for sure.
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007
Packing their bags
To the thread. I was standing in the post office queue the other day (I can do this without being scowled at Ref: Marrissa) and this young girl in her 20's was organising things ready for her departure to Australia that very afternoon. The bloke standing next to her made the comment "yes you and 5,000 others each week". I thought about this and from my personal observations you definitely become aware that there does seem to be a bit of an exodus, especially among the 20 somethings. A few of our customers have recently said goodbye as they go off to OZ and Georgia's good friend at school is on her way in November. So why? The answer is not hard to find really. As a young person it is near impossible to get ahead in NZ. Living costs eat up more than 70% of the average wage round here, so there is no extra for cars, holidays or house deposits. Go to OZ for a few months and your money worries can be over, and that is what people are doing. If you are young enough it seems to be a straight forward proposition. It does open your eyes to possibilities, work 6 months in the Mining Towns in WA and you could live for 6 months in NZ without having to work. (I am too old though, It seems if you are over 45 you are incapable of finding a job). Makes you think though, graft for 6 months then chill for 6 months. Talking of OZ I hope to pop over in May next year with my good friend Norman (he of famed curries). Norman is an expert in the field of treasure hunting with metal detectors, and has been helping with the development of a new gold finding version. This needs testing and calibrating for the Australian goldfields, so it could be a giggle. He has a contact out there with a prospecting lease and a dynamite certificate. So it will be interesting to see if a nugget or two comes our way, or I may just come back minus a couple of body parts. I have seen what to when you have been bitten by a snake (keep your trousers tucked in your wellies, stand still, if it still bites you, you have to wrap a bandage round the bite area, don't run around screaming and there is no need to catch the snake and take it to the hospital with you).
Onto another thread that has just popped into my head. With the big break from the robotic society and way of life in the UK, your eyes are open to a new world of possibilities, and there lies some dangerous ground. It is all to easy to imagine ones self doing all sorts of things, after all you have made that break and it it is relatively easy to do it again. Give me a routine for too long and some thing inside says "so is this it for the rest of my life? no it isn't because I can do what I want" another part of me says "don't be an arse , you have a great life" the man in the white coat says "take this Thorazine and have a lie down".
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wearable Arts

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Take things for granted

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
So that is my angle, but for other people it seems quite different. Here are few of the points that people have made as they define what homesickness means to them. No family and friends support structure is there for you to moan to, to entertain you when you feel bored and unmotivated. Those places that you felt comfortable in, are gone. The familiar things from sports teams to Favourite TV programs, all different. The more stressed you feel the more importance you give to these things, and there is no doubt that starting a new life here is full of stress, and there are no happy memories (but happy times)here to give you comfort (when you look back in a few years time, you will see happy memories, but for now your mind will drag you back to the UK).
I feel life here is like a jigsaw, all the pieces are here, but they don't all quite fit yet. But what I do feel, is that you need to understand that you are a pioneer in a new country, you are starting a new family line, it is time to let go of the apron strings and to come to the fore as a truly independent person, with this realisation you will grow strong and confident and look forward not backward. (It's still alright to miss your mum though).
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Lunar Eclipse

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Clean and Green?
There has always been a practical side to builders of a European origin, a kind of "I need a building to put tractors in, I've got some corrugated iron, it might be a bit rusty, but will do the job nicely." It is just a pity that said structure is next to, and draws the eye from some natural beauty. Now to the clean and green title. Litter has been discussed in the local paper, it is a growing problem, but nothing compared to the UK. What has been of concern to us, is stinging eyes. You can be driving along and suddenly your eyes are stinging and watering, and can be so bad that you have to pull over. This phenomenon seems to coincide with the spraying of Kiwi fruit. A little investigation on the Internet and low and behold, NZ allows Kiwi fruit growers to continue to use insecticides that are banned in other parts of the world. I tried not to look too hard for the effects of these sprays as I don't think I can do a lot about it, but they look prime candidates for the stinging eyes. I think I will look on EBay for a chemical warfare suit and practise holding my breath for 2 months at a time instead.
There is a natural irritant around at the moment. It is a fine yellow dust, which is in fact pollen that blows off the pine trees that inhabit Matakana Island. It causes a lot of sneezing in our household, and makes a mess on the car, but that seems to be it.
As I am talking about stinging eyes, it reminds me. I am a great fan of Natural remedies as they really seem to work, with no side effects, so as I find useful ones I will pass my findings along. If you have an eye infection, put some "colloidal silver" into it, you get instant relief and the infection disappears in 3 days, and with that tip of the day I will leave you for another week.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
New Arrivals
It is a grim time for selling houses at the moment. There were around 60 houses sold in the Mount/Papamoa area last month and there are over a 100 real estate agents operating from 12 offices chasing those sales. A lot of the agents are part time, few are very professional some are a joke. They charge around 4% of the house selling price so you will see that some will make money, some dream of making money but with those high charges the growth in private house sellers is increasing each year. There are no worries about buying privately, just get a survey on the house and a solicitor (they cost about $600 for the sale). So if you are arriving and looking to buy, take your time, and buy what you want, not what some slippery estate agent wants to sell you. As a final note, I know four estate agents personally and have dealt with several others, with this point in mind I think I have been very kind with my thoughts on them.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Customer Service?
- Common side effects
mild irritation in the throat, coughing, hoarseness, thrush (fungal infection in mouth and throat)headache, trembling, rapid heartbeat - Less common side effects
sleep difficulties restlessness, nervousness and anxiety dizziness, sickness, muscle cramps - Rare side effects
skin rash and bruising, itching, spasm in the airways, depression, behavioural disturbances, facial swelling, high blood sugar levels, chest pain, irregular heartbeats
To get on to the thread of this weeks post. I went into the local newspaper office this week thinking I could get an advertising rate card. Now not a big ask you might say, but the woman behind the desk informed me that they do not give out that kind of information. I must have had a blank expression on my face which the woman must have assumed meant I was stupid, because that is how she treated me. I rephrased the question and got the same answer. I asked how people are supposed to know how much their advert is going to cost them. The reply was that if you have an idea of the type of advert you want, that they can give you a rough idea but not a definite price, I said I knew roughly what I wanted, but I must have used up my quota of time as the woman turned away and restarted her conversation with her colleague. It is a fact of life in NZ that customer service is poor in most places, with untrained staff that really don't care and get shirty if you show signs of frustration. The worst is the retailer Dick Smiths, They have some good buys but you have to know all about the product you want before you go in. I asked once for some information and got the response "I don't know" I asked again in a different way and got the response "what I am saying to you is, I don't know" with an edgy tone, I asked if there was any one in the store that would know? "I don't know" came the reply and off he went. I could go on with more examples but I don't want to bore you. Just expect untrained, unmotivated, unhelpful customer service and you wont be disappointed.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Feeling healthy?
What I can say is that living in NZ, you do find yourself less exposed to the Propaganda and brainwashing put out by the mainstream media, that science will save us so don't worry about personal responsibility, just keep eating the same old "crap". Your mind seems to wake up here and you become more aware, you find yourself researching information, to ask questions and to find the answers. I never seemed to have the time to do this in the UK and was one of the masses that believed the next wonder drug was just round the corner. My eyes are now open, just avoid any food that has been processed, drink plenty of water, do a bit of exercise, then you can leave the drugs in the chemist. (of course Sods law says I will now drop dead of some nasty disease).
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
And no blood was spilt
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Return of friends
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The bad news as far as tax is concerned, is that you pay tax on every penny you earn (even your paper round is taxed). If you earn $38,000 or below you pay 19.5% above that and it goes up to 33% with a top rate of 60%. We have to pay "provisional tax" where once we calculate what we owe, we have to add 5% divide it by 3 then pay it in 3 installments, the first being 7th July then another in November and again in March. As a new business you end up paying tax twice in the year but it evens itself out when you deduct the provisional tax you payed from the tax owed for that year. All clear and understood? good.
On a different note I understand there has been a bit of rain about in the UK for a while now, well it does rain here too. Last weekend we had all of June's rainfall , the sun then came out, the temperature has been pleasant but a storm is lashing us as I type.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Australia anyone?
Since I got back from holiday I have been asked what I thought about Australia and would I consider moving there. I thought this would be a good thread to explore, so here are my thoughts. The thing with Australia is it is a continent masquerading as a country, it is simply vast and I have seen but a small part of it. Take Western Australia for example, the whole of Europe would fit into it, and it has only one major city, Perth. But what I have seen of it I can honestly say I would rather be in New Zealand. Australia is a busy place, it is affluent and materialistic, it reminds me too much of the UK. The reason I like New Zealand is the relaxed pace of life, I have mentioned in other articles about the Pacific Island influence, of "does it really matter?" A journey on the Train from Brisbane Airport to the Goldcoast and back again, tells a story if you look for it. Graffiti everywhere, roller shutter doors on the shops, people going to work with laptops on their knees, pressing buttons on their PDA's, taking calls on their mobiles (the whole carriage now knows about one blokes latest business deal). If I stayed in Australia for too long I feel there is a subconscious pull to drag you back to the world of materialism. It is the things that you notice after having been away from them for a while, like the expensive clothes people are wearing, the abundance of goods in the shops, the smarter cars. There is also a growing campaign to try and frighten people into thinking that they are at risk from Terrorism. There is a TV ad that more or less says that if you think someone looks a bit shifty (Shifty being middle eastern) then he might be a terrorist and you had better report him, can you believe that! Australia is unfortunately becoming controlled by the same group of people who control the USA and UK. It was most convenient that Australia joined the "War on Terror" (ie the illegal occupation of a sovereign nation) just as it was negotiating a free trade agreement with the USA, and then of course the Bali bomb happened which killed 200 Australians (if you want to know the truth about the Bali Bomb, go to So I think I prefer my world. The wages are around twice that of NZ, and I was talking to a woman from Perth who was saying that the local shops were really struggling to find staff, as everyone was moving to the mining towns where the money was really good, she said cleaners were getting $45 hour. At the Goldcoast the streets are very clean and the Public Transport system is superb, there is a bus to wherever you might want to go every 10mins or so and they run 24/7, the drivers are friendly and very helpful. The food is great, especially if you go to the small family run Thai or Korean restaurants. Surfers Paradise is trying to gain a classier image, it has had a bit of a "Benidorm" reputation. Some of the older buildings are getting re-vamped, but there does not seem to be a coherent plan that I can see. I felt most relaxed out of town and in the Rain forest and I think that says a lot about where I want to be, I enjoyed mixing with large numbers of people again, but my heart is with the laid back NZ lifestyle. Strangely, when settling back into my routines, I felt more on holiday than I did when I was on holiday.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Back From Holiday

Monday, May 28, 2007
On a sad note our pet rat died last week, he was a great friend and companion and will be missed, he died peacefully in his sleep, aged 3, RIP Ratty.